Takehisa Fukazawa
Former Supreme Court Justice / Attorney-at-law |
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Date of Birth |
January 5, 1934 |
Education |
Bachelor Degree, Law Faculty of Chuo University |
1957 |
- Graduated from Chuo University
1961 |
- became a member of the Tokyo Bar Association
1993 |
- Chairman of the Tokyo Bar Association
2000 |
- Supreme Court Justice of Japan
2004 |
- Resigned from the Supreme Court Justice of Japan
Seiji Watanabe
Executive Director/Tire Fair Trade Council |
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April 1972 |
- Entered the Japan Fair Trade Commission
April 2000 |
- Senior Deputy Director for Investigation, Investigation Division
June 2001 |
- Chief of Tohoku Office
June 2003 |
- General Manager of the Trade Investigation, Trade Division
April 2004 |
- General Manager of the Information Management, Investigation Division
June 2005 |
- the Second Chief Investigator, Investigation Division
June 2007 |
- Retired from the Japan Fair Trade Commission
July 2007 |
- Executive Director, Tire Fair Trade Council
Banzragch Purevnyam
Member of the Constitutional Court of Mongolia |
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Date of Birth |
1967 |
Place of Birth |
Dornogovi province, Mongolia |
Education |
- Secondary School in Dornogobi province - National University of Mongolia, lawyer |
Awards |
- Medal of the 70th, 80th anniversary of the People’s Revolution
- Medal of the 800th Anniversary of the foundation of Great Mongolian State
- Medal of the 20th Anniversary of the Democratic Revolution |
1994 |
- Assistant of the President of the Association of Mongolian Advocates
1994 – 2002 |
- Advocate
1997 – 2007 |
- Board Member of the Association of Mongolian Advocates, Member, Chair of Disciplinary Committee
2002 – 2006 |
- Member of the Council of Minister of Justice and Home Affairs
2002 – Present |
- President of the Association of Mongolian Advocates, Chair of the Board Member
2007 - Present |
- Member of the Constitutional Court of Mongolia
Jing Zheng
Chief Advisor of Our Office |
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Date of Birth |
23 March, 1974 |
Nationality |
People's Republic of China |
Qualification |
Qualified to become a U.S Certified Public Accountant (#CC-0004472) |
April 1, 1999 -
June 30, 2002 |
- Food and Plastics Division of the Headquarters, General Trading Company (Japan)
July 1, 2002 -
September 30, 2003 |
- Vice-General Manager, Japan Branch of the Taiwan Group Company
October 1, 2003 -
January 15, 2005 |
- General Manager of the Overseas Division, International Accounting School
February 1, 2005 -
March 31, 2007 |
- Accountants Consultant /Partner, Tokyo International Accounting Firm
February 1, 2005 -
December 31, 2006 |
- General Manager (Pluralistic position) of the International Division, ZHUHAI ZHEN RONG Company (One of the state-owned company in CHINA)
May 1, 2007 - May 31, 2010 |
- CEO, ZHONGFANG LVHUAN Energy & Environment Technology Company
(Established by recombination of the Chinese Coal Department and Chinese Light Industry Department)
- Deputy Director, CHINA-JAPAN Environment Security Technology Center in Harbin University ,Heilongjiang Province in CHINA
- Assistant to the President, The Energy Conservation Council, The United Association of the Chinese Coal Cities
May 2012 - Present |
- Chief Advisor, Haraguchi International Law Office
September 2004 |
- Established Tsingpei Education School China-Japan Center of the Tsinghua University Continuing Education Academy.
- Introduced the specialty courses for U.S. and Japanese financial accounting certificates.
October 2005 |
- Engaged in the big M&A between the Golf Magazines Publisher (German and American company) and Chinese Magazine Company.
December 2005 - 2006
- Engaged in the conclusion of the joint development agreement interrelated the energy between ZHUHAI ZHEN RONG Company ( One of the state-owned company in China) and the Iranian Government.
March 2007 |
- Engaged in the corporate revitalization project relating to the China state-owned Companies which were established under the reorganization of the Light Industry Department and the Coal Department
July 2008 |
- Established a China-Japan Environment Security Technology Center in Harbin University ,Heilongjiang Province in CHINA
- Introduced Japanese environment technologies (including patent right) to China.
April 2009 |
- Examined mineral resources in China and Mongolia in collaboration with a Japanese company and created the transportation route (tied up with the Chinese and Mongolian Governments).
- Engaged in the joint agreement between a Japanese company and Yingli Company (the project related to new energy policy of China).
April 2010 - 2011
- Engaged in the collaboration between a Japanese Company and a China state-owned company, which was associated with the stable supply of rare earth elements.
October 2011 - 2012
- Engaged in the investment in the China Hainan Airlines (the third Chinese national listed airline company) by a British investment bank and Japanese investment fund in addition to their business collaboration
Mr. Akio Takahashi
Professor of Tokyo University Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia Department of Research regarding Myanmar, Doctor of Economics
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1981 |
- Graduated from Kyoto University Department of Economics
Joined Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO)
1986 - 1988 |
- Overseas Dispatched Representatives of IDE-JETRO
- 1995 |
- Stayed at Myanmar as a Researcher of IDE-JETRO
1996 |
- Assistant professor of Tokyo University Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia
2002 |
- Professor of Tokyo University Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia
2014 |
- Advisor of Haraguchi International Law Office
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“Rice cropping village at Burma Delta -Farming village economy under the structure of “Socialism”” (IDE-JETRO, 1992)
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“Farming village economy in modern Myanmar - farmer and non-farmer under the transitional economy” (University of Tokyo Press, 2000) |
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“Country and People of Myanmar – “Attempt of Comparison of village society between Japan and Myanmar”” (Akashi Book Store, 2012) |
Mr. Soe Thein
Advocate & Legal Consultant Fame Myanmar Law Firm / Managing Director Judge of Constitutional Tribunal of the Union |
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Mr., a renowned Economic and author of many bills used by government to consider creating various economic law, graduated from Institute of Economics with focus in Banking, Finance and Insurance subjects. He later received Master of Public Administration focus on Urban Planning and management.
He started working as a senior assistant teacher but joined to the judicial service and began his long and outstanding career in Myanmar Judicial System. He served as judicial officer grade (4) to director of the civil justice department at Supreme Court. His notable offices include Yangon Division Court, District Court and busiest Township Courts in the country. He has written many briefs, review and decisions while serving on the bench. He retired as Director from The Supreme Court. In this position, he served as an advisor to the Supreme Court.
In 2010, he was directly appointed by the President of the Union of Myanmar to the "Constitutional Tribunal of the Union" where he served as a member for a few years.
He is a one of the founding members of Fame Myanmar Law Firm and taking the lead role in Foreign Investment advocacy as well as Merger and Acquisition.
Mr. Zaw Linn
Solicitor & Legal Consultant Fame Myanmar Law Firm / Director |
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Mr. Zaw Linn, earned his Bachelor Degree in Physic from University of Mandalay in 1975. He continued study law and litigation subjects for his advance degree, and completed H.G.P in 1978. He was appointed as a “Preventive Officer” at “Myanmar Custom Agency” back in 1980 for his first public servant position. Throughout his career, he gained numerous experiences with litigation regarding Export / Import procedures. He retired from post of “Assistant Director” from Myanmar Custom Agency a few years ago and transition into public private. He still serves as personal advisor to his former colleagues at custom agency in various matters very frequently.
On top of his overwhelmingly busy work schedule, he found time to study for more advance degree to further his education. He received M.P.A degree from University of Economic with the thesis title “Myanmar Participation in AFTA” which is now widely used as a reference in many of the government trade negotiation. Furthermore, he received Master of Art Degree in Business Law with Summa Cum laude.
He is one of the founding members of Fame Myanmar Law Firm. He is taking the lead role as Solicitor and Legal Consultant for the firm.
Mr. Bo Bo
Attorney At Law Fame Myanmar Law Firm / Director |
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Mr. Bo Bo, a 20 years veteran, had long and distinguished career as an attorney in the public service before practicing law in private sector. His last public servant post was in Ministry of Trading where he served and retried with the rank of Deputy Director.
With his undergraduate degree (B.Sc) in Geology, he is well versed very early on his career in how Myanmar government policy and procedure progress overtime regarding the natural resources production as well as export/import practice. He later attained M.P.A, M.A focusing in the business law to pursue his dream of being an attorney at law. As much as he gained experience practicing law, he expand his knowledge tirelessly by constantly studying and receiving many post graduate diploma like H.G.P, D.M.A, D.A.Psy, D.A.E, D.B.L, D.M.L, D.I.L, D.I.R, and a few others, over time.
His practice wide range of arbitration but his primary focus has been Corporate and Commercial sector. He regularly gave legal advice and consultation on matter such as "Corporate Regulatory & Compliance" issue, "Financial Regulatory & Compliance" issue, "Competition & Antitrust" issue, "Private & Corporate Real Estate" issue, "Mergers & acquisitions" issue and many others. He is a one of the founders of the "Fame Myanmar" law firm where the collective group gave legal advice to many local and foreign companies regarding their various matter including many investment venue.